Se deplacer à vélo en Vaucluse @ Hocquel

Getting around in Vaucluse

with your bike

Leave your car at home and travel around Vaucluse by bus, or organise your transport with a bicycle taxi.

Travel by train or bus

With the ZOU! transport network

Bike-friendly transport is available on the ZOU! regional bus and train network

You can travel on the rail network with no prior booking required: there are spaces for bikes at the end of the train carriage. Before you get on the train, look for the bike symbol on the doors to find the right carriage.

On the bus network, your bike will be placed in the baggage hold. You are advised to protect it with a cover.

Did you know?

Secure bike parking facilities are available at the majority of stations in the region. Reserve a space here!

Bike and luggage transportation

For a lighter journey

– “I would like my luggage to be taken to my accommodation at each stage of my itinerary”
– “Our group of friends would like to meet our bikes at the start of our circuit… “
Leave with no qualms: the taxis of the “Accueil Vélo” network are here to manage the transport of your bikes and your luggage, and to drop you off at the starting point of your itinerary.

Taxis for bikes